Growing Younger anti aging Plan
Forget About Growing Old Gracefully – Fight Back and Slow or Reverse the Aging Process Completely!
Understanding the anti aging Movement
As you get older, you begin to realize that you can’t turn back the clock. You won’t be able to go back to a different time in your life and change things and you begin to notice that your body and mind are changing as you get older.
Some of these changes are good. The wisdom you gain as you grow older is valuable – and most people would only want to be younger if they could keep the wisdom they have as an older adult.
But some changes can be negative – such as sagging skin, dwindling energy, increased risk of disease, and changes in the sharpness of your mind. For many years, people thought of this as a natural part of aging.
But science tells us that it’s really not natural at all. In fact, a lot of the changes that take place with aging are exacerbated by lifestyle choices and the environment.
You don’t have to grow older and feel that your body is falling apart. Of course you’re interested in preventing problems as you get older. But what if you are already feeling the effects of aging?
Is it possible to rewind the clock?
While you can’t literally turn back time, you can reverse many of the effects of aging by making some important changes in your lifestyle. You can reverse wrinkles, sharpen your mind, and strengthen areas of your body that are weak.
Of course, the sooner you make these changes, the better your health will be and the higher the amount of your youth you can restore. But it’s never too late to begin reversing the problems you’re experiencing.
What Causes Aging?
First, it’s important to understand some of the causes of aging. There are some genetic factors. For example, Alzheimer’s disease is known to have a genetic component. That means if someone in your immediate family has it, you may be more likely to get it.
But while genes are important to understand, they don’t control as much of the aging process as was once thought. We now know that the environment and your lifestyle factors can play a huge role in how aging occurs.
For example, if you live in an urban area or an area with a lot of environmental pollution, you’ll find that you age faster. That’s because these toxins cause faster oxidation of your cells, which causes aging.
And if you have a diet high in refined and processed foods, you’re actually putting toxins directly into your body. These toxins build up in the body and cause inflammation.
When your body is experiencing inflammation, you’ll experience more rapid aging and health problems. The good news is that when you reverse inflammation, you can also reverse the problems caused by it.
You need to be able to spot many of the specific signs of aging that people experience. You also need to understand more about the specific causes of these individual problems and how you can address them in your life.
Is It Too Late for Me?
If you’re already experiencing these problems, you can make changes and see those problems go into reverse. You can actually take years off your appearance and your health.
But what if you’re not showing signs of aging yet? Don’t wait until you’re frustrated with the way you look and feel to make changes. By living this lifestyle now, you can prevent problems and you’ll have less to worry about as you get older.
Many people believe the old adage that you ‘can’t turn back time.’ But that’s nonsense. If you want to make changes and experience a more youthful appearance, energy level, and health there’s no reason you can’t start now.
Regaining Your Memory
One of the things that people fear most about aging is losing memories or mental sharpness. No one wants to experience the feeling of fogginess or forgetting special memories and loved ones.
The good news is that there’s much you can do to enhance your memory and sharpness as you age. Even if you’re experiencing memory loss already, you can make some reversals.
Am I Losing My Memory?
Everyone forgets things or loses items from time to time – regardless of age. So how do you know if it’s becoming a problem? There are several things that can indicate you have something serious going on with your mind.
Some examples include:
* Forgetting common words frequently
* Having difficulty following a recipe or doing another routine task
* Asking the same questions over and over again
* Putting objects in an inappropriate place, such as putting something in the freezer instead of your purse or wallet
* Getting lost in familiar areas
* Mood swings
These are signs of possible dementia and you should speak with your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing them. Along with lifestyle changes, you may be a candidate for medication that can protect your memory.
In less serious cases, you may just feel that your short-term memory isn’t what it used to be. For example, you may need to write down reminders of tasks that were once easy to remember.
You might forget where you left things or even find yourself walking into a room, but forgetting why you went there in the first place. These are less serious issues, but still things you want to reverse if possible.
Possible Causes for Memory Loss
Before you jump to the conclusion that you’re experiencing serious problems, it may be that there’s a simple solution for some of your issues. By making a change or two, you may completely reverse what’s going wrong.
For example, some medications have side effects that cause changes in the function of the brain. These could be over the counter or prescription drugs. If you’re taking medications regularly, talk with your healthcare provider about their side effects and see if there are alternatives.
Alcohol use is another common behavior linked to memory problems. If you’re drinking more than one or two drinks on a daily basis, this can lead to problems with memory and increase your risk of dementia.
If alcohol is the culprit, limiting your intake to one or two drinks per day can reverse the problems you’re having. If you suspect that you have an alcohol problem, it’s important to seek professional help so that you can detox safely.
Many people experiencing memory problems simply have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient for the brain because it protects the neurons.
As you age, your body doesn’t absorb B12 as quickly, so you can develop a deficiency that leads to memory problems. If you supplement with this vitamin, you can reverse the associated problems.
Some people take a B12 vitamin capsule or sublingual formula that goes under the tongue. You can also get vitamin B12 injections to give you an extra boost of the nutrient each month. You’ll need to speak with your healthcare provider to get your levels tested.
Your thyroid could also be causing your issues. Your thyroid controls your metabolism and when it malfunctions your metabolism can be too fast or too slow. Either situation can cause problems with memory and concentration.
Treating the thyroid condition can reverse the memory problems you’re having and help you feel better overall. A blood test can indicate if your thyroid is functioning properly.
If you become dehydrated, it can cause you to feel confused and drowsy. It can also lead to memory loss. As you get older, your risk of dehydration increases. By drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, you can reverse these problems.
Depression can also cause you to have problems with concentration and memory loss. We’ll talk more about depression later, but for now it’s enough to know that as you get older, this can become a problem that affects your ability to retrieve memories.
Making changes in your life and taking medication (in some cases) can help you conquer depression and improve your mental clarity. It can give you back your life.
In addition to these specific issues, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, smoking and lack of exercise can also lead to memory problems. Improving your lifestyle can help reverse your memory problems.
Reversing Memory Loss through Healthy Lifestyle Choices
The lifestyle you lead can specifically affect your memory and concentration. There are many things you can do to improve your overall health and reverse memory loss.
When it comes to nutrition, it’s critical that you eat a diet high in foods that contain antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables. You especially want to eat foods that are also high in omega-3 fatty acids.
These foods include salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, tuna, and other oily fish. Many people find that taking a fish oil supplement helps with cognitive function and improves mood and focus.
Exercise is critical to reversing memory and concentration problems. Exercise helps improve circulation to the brain – allowing cells to get the oxygen and nutrients they need.
You don’t have to live at the gym to get this benefit. Taking a 30-minute walk each day will help you reverse these problems. Exercise is also known to be as effective as antidepressants for mild to moderate depression and can also reverse memory problems due to depression.
Reduce Stress
Stress causes the body to go into a state of inflammation because of increased cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone your body produces in response to stress. In short bursts, it can be beneficial – but over time, this hormone causes the body to go into an inflammatory state.
This increases the rate of aging and can cause memory problems. When you reduce your stress levels, cortisol levels go down and your body begins producing a hormone called human growth hormone. This allows the reversal of many age-related problems.
You can reduce stress by eliminating stressors from your life, improving your time management, exercising, and by learning techniques such as meditation and yoga.
Stop Smoking
Smoking causes many age-related health problems. When you quit smoking, your body begins to repair itself. Smoking deprives your brain of oxygen and can cause problems with your cardiovascular system that further limit nutrition to the brain.
Sleep is also a critical habit that will reverse the aging process. This is because when you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more cortisol leading to inflammation.
Most people need at least 7-10 hours of sleep each night to feel well rested and reduce the production of cortisol. You’ll be amazed by how much this simple change can improve your memory and concentration.
Keep Up Your Social Life
As you get older, there can be a tendency to lose touch with friends and family members and become socially isolated. This can lead to depression and can lead to problems with focus and memory.
Participating in regular social activities can help you reverse this problem. For example, going to a regular game night or joining a book club can help you stay connected to others socially and keep your mind sharp.
Exercise for Your Brain
As you get older, you can also help sharpen your mind by exercising it. Completing crossword puzzles and logic puzzles such as Sudoku can help you reverse memory and concentration problems.
Scientists now say that video games stimulate your brain and contribute to memory retention. Researchers at UC San Francisco conducted a study with older citizens and discovered that the more they played video games, the better they got at multi tasking and performance.
And experts are working on a medical fix, too. Dr. Eric Kandel of Columbia University in New York is conducting a study to help re-energize our brains so that they can more easily retrieve memories.
They discovered that a gene known as RbAp48 is silenced more as we grow older. But when that gene was increased in mice, the mice regained their memories – so they’re working on a reversal of this aging issue for humans, too.
Reading and even working at a challenging job can help you reverse any problems you’ve begun to experience. You can also find online sites that specifically provide exercises to improve your memory and focus. Your brain needs regular stimulation to stay healthy.
Fighting Depression
Your risk of developing depression increases with your age. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept depression as a natural part of aging. In fact, depression isn’t a normal experience.
There are biological, psychological, and social factors at play in the development of depression as you age. By addressing these areas, you can reverse any depression that you’re experiencing.
And if you’re not feeling depressed, intervening in these areas can keep you from heading down a dark road of poor mental health. Let’s start by taking a look at how depression develops.
What’s Behind Aging and Depression?
As you get older, you may become deficient in the nutrient folate. If your levels of folate are too low, you can actually experience depression for no other reason. This is a good reason to get your folate level screened.
Chronic illness is also common in people who are aging. One of the major effects of chronic illness and poor health is depression. You could be grieving the loss of your health and independence.
But feeling depressed also causes it to be more difficult to recover from chronic illness. In this way, chronic illness and depression create a viscous cycle of poor health and faster aging.
As you age, it’s inevitable that you will lose friends and family members. As this happens, you can begin to feel socially isolated and truly miss those special people who are no longer a part of your daily life.
Grief over the loss of loved ones combined with a feeling of isolation set the stage for problems with depression. This is a very serious health problem that shouldn’t go unnoticed or untreated.
Signs of Depression
As you age and are dealing with a plethora of different health problems, depression may go unnoticed or undiagnosed. But by not identifying the depression, it’s impossible to reverse it and other health problems you have will become worse.
Here are a few signs to look for that indicate you might be experiencing depression:
* A change in your sleep patterns
* Difficulty focusing and making decisions
* Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
* Fatigue
* Feeling sad for a long period of time
* Feeling anxious for a long period of time
* Irritability
* Change in appetite
* Frequently crying
* Thoughts of suicide
These are signs that you may be feeling depressed. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to seek some professional help. Particularly if you feel suicidal, it’s important to get help quickly.
If you’re feeling suicidal, make sure that you don’t stay alone. It’s also important to call 911 immediately for emergency services that can get you into treatment quickly.
If you’re feeling depressed, but you’re not suicidal, you can make an appointment with your doctor to discuss options. The rate of suicides has been growing for the elderly population, so don’t ignore the warning signs.
What to Do About Depression
Usually when you see your doctor about depression, your physician will want to prescribe an antidepressant. This could be something you need long term or something that you need to get you through while you make lifestyle changes that support better mental health.
There are many ways you can fight depression and reverse it without medication. But you should make sure you discuss all of your options with your healthcare provider and choose what’s best for you.
There are several herbal supplements known for helping to improve mood and fight depression. If you don’t want to take a pharmaceutical and have mild to moderate depression, these could be a good choice.
St. John’s Wort is one common choice. Another example is SAM-e. These are both available in many natural food stores and drugstores without a prescription. You should make sure that you follow the directions from the manufacturer.
If you’re already taking an antidepressant, you shouldn’t take these supplements in addition to the medication. It’s also important to choose one or the other, but not to take both at the same time.
You also have to be careful with herbal supplements and drug interactions. Always talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist about possible drug and supplement interactions.
Getting three or four 30-minute walks in each week can be as effective as taking an antidepressant for depression. Often with aging, people tend to become more sedentary and stay indoors.
You need to make sure you’re getting fresh air and sunshine and moving to the best of your ability. If you’re not able to walk for a half hour, try walking for shorter increments and building up to more.
Exercise is good for just about every problem related to aging. But it’s particularly helpful in battling and reversing depression.
Fish Oil
Fish oil supplements are also known for working as antidepressants. Taking fish oil daily can help you feel better as its nutrients are used by your nervous system.
You’ll want to get a high quality fish oil supplement. You may also want to choose a formula that’s developed to prevent burping. Some people complain about burping a fishy taste when on these supplements.
Being malnourished can also lead to depression. It’s important to evaluate your diet and make sure that you’re eating enough food. In particular, you want to be eating enough of the foods that provide your body with nutrients.
This means a diet high in fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein. When your body isn’t getting enough calories, your mood can be affected greatly.
It’s a good idea to request that your doctor perform some basic blood work to find out if you’re deficient in any particular nutrient. You may need supplements of folate or vitamin D.
Social Connection
Just as it’s important for mental clarity to have social connection, it’s also important for depression. Stay as active as you can with your social group. You may want to consider joining a club or senior center where you can participate in social activities.
Schedule time to do things you enjoy on a regular basis to help your mood stay positive. Take up a new hobby or even volunteer doing something that makes you feel fulfilled.
You may be experiencing depression related to a trauma or a situation in your life that needs to be resolved. Working with a professional can help you get the peace that you crave and help lift you from depression.
You might also want to seek support through a local 12-step program or support group for any specific areas of your life that could be aided by social support. For example, if you’ve lost your spouse, they have a widows or widower group.
The good news is that for most people, depression can be reversed through natural methods. And if natural methods aren’t enough, there are medical treatments that can help.
Reducing Stress to Slow Aging
It’s impossible to escape stress. But if you’re aging rapidly, chances are stress is a major contributor. While you can’t eliminate stress, you can learn how to reduce it and manage it so that you can slow and even reverse aging.
Experts warn that for some demographics, stress poses a real health problem. For example, older men who experience chronic or high levels of continual stress fall more often and suffer injuries from those falls. Pair this with weakened bones and it’s a recipe for disaster that can make you age faster than you should be.
The Effect of Stress on the Body
There’s really no time in your life when chronic stress doesn’t take a toll. Even someone in his or her twenties will experience rapid aging when subjected to too much stress.
The problem with stress is that it actually affects you at a cellular level. It changes the way your cells function and can even cause your DNA to become damaged.
These changes have been linked with illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Stress can also lead to problems with vision and hearing as well as aging of your brain.
And stress also causes you to live an unhealthy lifestyle, which in turns leads to more problems. Overall, chronic stress causes the body to produce too much of the hormone cortisol.
As we discussed earlier, this hormone leads to the body becoming inflamed at a cellular level. Your organs, bones, and skin begin to age at a faster pace and you’re more likely to develop disease.
At the University of California in San Francisco, scientists discovered that stress literally creates wrinkles on your face, weakens your muscles, makes your eyesight worse – and more – all signs of premature aging.
That’s because when you get stressed, it shortens your telomeres. These are items on the tip of chromosomes that typically help your cells regrow faster. When they’re shortened, your cell growth dies out, too – and you begin feeling older, faster.
Sources of Stress
Before you can conquer stress, it’s important to understand what’s causing your stress. Stress isn’t always a bad thing. It helps you perform well on a test or presentation and can give you extra energy you need for a task.
The problem comes when stress becomes chronic and you don’t get a break from it. Unfortunately, modern society lends itself to chronic stress. There are many things that could lead to struggles with stress such as:
* Work
* Finances
* Divorce
* Death
* Trauma
* Overscheduling
* Family crisis
* Illness
* Marital problems
* Low self-esteem
* Loss of social outlets
* Unemployment
* Conflicts with your values and your lifestyle
* Moving
This list could go on and on and will vary among individuals. Take a few moments to think about your own life and what causes you the most stress. Once you understand where your stress is coming from, you can begin to improve your situation.
Eliminating Stress
The first thing you need to do to reverse the effects of stress on your body is to eliminate whatever stress you can toss out. You may think that there’s not much you can do about your stress, but usually there’s at least one thing you can get rid of.
For example, look at your schedule. Are you involved in too many activities? Have you said yes one too many times? Choose one or two things from your schedule that you can eliminate.
Are there household responsibilities you can delegate to someone else? Is there something at work that can be eliminated or shared with a coworker? You won’t be able to eliminate every source of stress, but there is usually at least one thing you can just cross off your list.
Managing the Stress That’s Left
With the stress you have left, you’ll need to learn management techniques. There are quite a few ways you can manage stress so that, even though it isn’t eliminated, it doesn’t take over your life.
It can often help to seek some professional counseling to help you pinpoint areas where you can improve your stress management skills. This can also help with serious stressors such as death, trauma, and divorce.
When it comes to stressors such as being part of an overscheduled family, you can probably come up with a plan on your own for dealing with it. For example, sitting down with your family and figuring out the schedule for the month or week can help you manage the time you spend running errands and attending events.
You’ll have more time at home and less time on the go. Even something as simple as planning your meals ahead of time can reduce the amount of time you spend trying to shop and figure out what you’re going to do each day for meals.
If you have major stress at work, brainstorm ways that you can reduce your load or at least make it more bearable. For example, can you try to go into work 30 minutes earlier so that you don’t have to bring any work home with you in the evening?
Is it possible to make a job change or even a career change that would help your stress levels be reduced? Think outside the box to manage your stress in the best ways possible.
Managing the Effects of Stress
While you can do a lot to improve your levels of stress, you’re going to have some stress in life. That’s a guarantee. So it’s important to know what you can do to reduce the effects of stress on your body and the aging process.
By reducing stress and managing its effects, you can reverse wrinkles, reverse health problems, and look and feel younger than ever. We’ll look at several things you can do to keep stress from causing you to age.
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to help stress leave your body. It helps you relax your mind, relieves muscle tension, and it gets rid of extra energy and anxiety that you may be carrying around with you.
Taking a daily walk – even if it’s just 15 minutes – can help you feel stress relief and improve your mood. You’ll find that you sleep better, have more energy, and feel younger.
Yoga and stretching can also help to relieve stress in the body and help you feel more relaxed after a long day. These exercises can also help you feel energized in the morning.
Many people are sleep deprived. When you’re stressed, you may feel so tense and anxious that you don’t get enough sleep. This can turn to depending on drugs to help you sleep at night.
While you’re asleep, you may not be getting the true rest you need if you rely on sleeping medications. Creating a relaxing night time routine can be more beneficial and help you to get more sleep naturally.
Try taking a warm bath, turning the lights lower in your home, and listening to relaxing music an hour or two before going to bed. Make sure that your room is comfortable for sleep and free from distractions.
Avoid electronic devices right before bed. The light shining into your eyes and the neural stimulation makes it difficult to sleep after using these gadgets. You should also avoid caffeine
Good nutrition can’t be underestimated when it comes to your health and reversing the effects of stress. When you’re very busy and under stress, you’re more likely to grab convenience foods that don’t have the nutrients you need.
Poor nutrition can also cause problems with indigestion, weight gain, cravings, and cause you to have sugar highs and crashes. It’s helpful to plan ahead and have healthy foods on hand that you can grab and go if needed.
For example, making a fruit smoothie or eating a piece of fruit and some yogurt for breakfast is much better for your body than going through the fast food lane. Packing your lunch for work can help you eat fruits and veggies that will give you good nutrition and energy throughout your day.
You should also take a daily multivitamin to help fill the gaps of what you don’t get in your food each day. However, it’s important to remember that your body uses nutrients the best when they come from food.
Herbal Supplements
There are also herbal supplements that can help support your body in stress relief. Magnesium and melatonin can help you relax and get a better night of sleep.
Making sure that you get enough vitamin B6 can help you avoid headaches related to stress. Omega-3 fatty acids will give pain relief to a stressed out body. Astragalus can help you to strengthen your immune system and fight off illness.
The herb rhodiola can help you gain more energy and fight the fatigue that comes along with stress. With any herbal supplement, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure it won’t interact with any medications you’re taking or health conditions you currently have.
Meditation is another way that you can get relief from stress. The idea of meditation can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. There are very simple things you can do to add some peace to your day.
Closing your eyes for a minute and taking a few deep breaths can be enough to improve the way you’re feeling. For some people, saying daily prayers is a form of meditation that brings peace and comfort.
You can also perform guided meditation by purchasing an audio recording that guides you through affirmations, relaxation exercises, and other techniques for meditation.
What Happens When You Reduce Stress
When you reduce stress levels, your body begins to reverse the aging process. You produce less cortisol and begin producing human growth hormone. Your body goes from inflammation to a more normal and healthy state.
This reverses problems with chronic disease, weight gain, fatigue, and pain related to stress. You’ll begin to see changes in your skin complexion and you’ll have more energy and feel your youth is being restored.
Reversing Hair Loss
One of the most frustrating parts of aging is seeing the physical changes that begin to take place. Hair loss can be a major problem related to aging for both men and women.
But in this day and age, there are many ways you can work to reverse hair loss. First, it helps to understand why hair loss happens as you get older. Then you can choose a treatment that best suits your personal preferences.
Understanding Age Related Hair Loss
Hair loss can be caused by many different things. What often happens with your own hair will be familiar to you because you’ve seen it in your own family. There are strong genetic factors that can be linked to hair loss.
Hair loss can also be a result of changes in hormones, drugs, injuries, illnesses, and cosmetic procedures that go wrong. Your diet may also affect your hair growth and loss.
As you get older, one or more of these factors may contribute to your own hair loss. If you’ve noticed that you’re losing your hair, it’s important to first speak with your healthcare provider to figure out what might be causing this issue for you.
Your doctor may run some blood tests to check your sex hormones, thyroid function, and nutritional deficiencies. You may also discuss genetics, injuries, and medications that you’re taking.
It’s impossible to know how to reverse your hair loss if you don’t know the root cause of the problem. But once you understand the cause, you can form a plan of action.
Medical Options for Reversing Hair Loss
After you’ve figured out the cause of your hair loss, there are often medical options for reversing the thinning and balding process. Let’s take a look at some of the most common options.
Addressing Deficiencies
If you’re having hormone problems or problems related to your thyroid, medication can often be used to control those. You may also discover that you have a nutritional deficiency that can be relieved through supplements.
For example, anemia often causes hair loss. By taking an iron supplement regularly you can reverse this condition and the hair loss that goes along with it.
Minoxidil is a drug that’s used to treat hair loss in both men and women. It’s available without a prescription and is often found in topical formulas and shampoos. This treatment is helpful for typical genetic male and female pattern baldness.
There is one medication currently being used to treat hair loss called Finasteride. This medication helps men to experience hair regrowth by blocking a hormone that leads to hair loss.
You have to have a prescription for this medication. It’s important to discuss possible side effects with your healthcare provider before taking it.
Laser Treatment
New laser devices are on the market that can help to stimulate the hair follicles and reverse hair loss. Many physicians are offering this service for hair loss and finding good results.
Hair Transplantation
Some people choose to undergo hair transplantation to restore hair growth in specific areas of the scalp. An area of your scalp with strong hair growth is removed and transplanted to areas that need hair.
This procedure can be effective, but does have side effects as any surgery does. It can also be quite expensive and is considered a cosmetic procedure that isn’t covered by health insurance.
There’s a company called Follica that has a procedure which has already breezed through clinical trials and it poised to be available to consumers soon. It involves a procedure where they peel your scalp back and put your cells back to a stem state, which causes them to regrow hair!
It’s worked in both mice and humans, it was reported to a publication called The Scientist. So this is one reversal that’s on the horizon if traditional anti aging efforts for baling and thinning don’t work.
Natural Solutions
While the medical community offers some helpful solutions, there are several natural things you can do that will help reverse hair loss. You may find some helpful tips that will get your hair growing again.
Treat Hair Gently
One cause of hair loss is rough treatment. Rubber bands, hair coloring, and perms can all cause your hair to become weaker and lead to hair loss – especially as you get older.
Washing your hair less often and using products that are gentler can help your hair get a chance to grow again. You can also use brushes made from horsehair that are gentler than plastic or metal brushes.
Improving your nutrition can often improve hair growth. Eating at least two or three servings of protein and four or five servings of dairy can greatly increase hair growth if you have a protein deficiency.
Eating fruits and vegetables can also give you the nutrients you need to fight the oxidative effects of aging. You may also find that zinc and biotin supplements can provide you with hair growth.
Herbal Supplements
There are a few herbal supplements that can help with hair loss. Saw palmetto has been reported to reverse hair loss for both men and women. Biotin and fish oil can also improve hair thickness as well as fingernail strength and luster when taken regularly.
You can also massage rosemary essential oil into your scalp by adding it to your favorite shampoo or coconut oil. Taking minerals such as zinc and silica can also help to restore natural hair growth. These are all available at health food stores and retailers that specialize in vitamins and herbs.
Cosmetic Choices
If you’re unsuccessful at reversing hair loss, you still have options for looking your best and maintaining a youthful appearance.
Many men find that they actually look more youthful by shaving off their hair rather than trying to grow it longer or part it further to the side for a comb over. This is a great choice for men experiencing hair loss.
Hair Pieces and Wigs
Both men and women can benefit from hair pieces and wigs that give the appearance of natural hair. This works best if you visit a professional who specializes in designing hair pieces.
Volumizing Hair Products
There are several hair products on the market that will help hair look like it has more volume than it does. This can be a good solution if your hair is thinning, but you’re not balding.
Scalp Products
There are also products on the market that help color the scalp so that patches of skin aren’t visible through the hair. These are usually sprayed onto the head to help mask baldness.
Protecting Your Bones and Joints
As you get older, your bones and joints can become weaker. This leads to problems with osteoporosis, bone fractures, and painful arthritis. But this isn’t a normal part of aging and there’s much you can do to reverse it.
Aging and Your Bones and Joints
Problems with bone density tend to be more prevalent in women than in men. This is a result of hormonal changes that occur during menopause. The good news is that there are many things you can do to prevent this from occurring.
Osteoarthritis is also common with aging. As you get older, the cartilage in your joints can become thinner and eventually bone can rub against bone. While arthritis is common, there are things you can do to prevent it.
Many people think that having bone and joint problems is just something you have to deal with as you get older. But it’s not inevitable or a normal part of aging. In fact, you can do much to reverse these issues and prevent them.
Lifestyle Changes to Reverse Bone and Joint Problems
Many of the problems with bone loss and arthritis can be linked to lifestyle habits. With just a few simple changes you can reverse these issues for strong bones and pain-free joints.
Exercise is probably the single most important habit you can develop to reverse bone loss and arthritis. Weight bearing exercise is a great way, especially for women, to increase bone density.
As your muscles pull on your bones, your bones are stimulated to grow. Weight bearing exercise could be as simple as walking for the lower body and lifting light weights for the upper body.
If you suffer from arthritis, moving actually helps reduce pain in your joints and helps you have more flexibility. Of course, if you’re experiencing a lot of joint pain, it can be difficult to feel like exercising.
With arthritis, there are some exercises that are easier to begin with such as water exercise and swimming. You can also take short walks until you’re feeling less pain.
Calcium and Magnesium
Calcium and magnesium supplements can help your bones become stronger. As you get older, calcium can leech from your bones and cause them to become weak.
Taking calcium supplements can reverse this situation and help your bones regain strength and density. This becomes particularly important after menopause for women.
Improve Heart Health
We’ll talk more in detail about heart health later. But it’s important to understand that when you have poor circulation, your risk of arthritis increases.
That’s because blood isn’t able to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the bones and connective tissues to repair and renew the tissues. When you work to keep your heart and circulation healthy, you’ll be able to reverse arthritis.
Maintain an Ideal Weight
People who are underweight are actually at greater risk of having low bone density. But if you’re overweight, you’re more likely to have joint pain and problems with arthritis.
The best solution is somewhere in the middle at an ideal weight. Practicing good diet and exercise habits can help you to maintain a healthy weight that both keeps your bones strong and reduces joint problems.
Add Omega-3s
Omega-3 fatty acids help to sooth inflammation in the body, which can give relief for arthritis. You can get them from taking fish oil supplements and eating flaxseeds.
Glucosamine Chondroitin
There are many supplements on the market that contain glucosamine chondroitin. This is a blend of supplements that have been shown to help regenerate cartilage in the joints.
As you age, adding this supplement to your diet can help prevent arthritis and also reverse problems you’re already experiencing. You’ll have more cushion in your joints, less inflammation, more mobility, and less pain.
Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Inflammation in the body can be linked to dietary choices. In general, refined sugars, white flour, and processed foods lead to inflammation in the body while plants, healthy oils, and lean proteins prevent inflammation.
Arthritis is an inflammatory condition, so eating a diet aimed at reducing inflammation all over the body can help reverse arthritis symptoms.
Medical Options
The best choice for reversing bone and joint problems is to improve your lifestyle for long-term good health. But if you’re further down the road with aging, these measures may not be enough.
There are medical treatment options that work to reverse these problems so that you can reduce your risk of breaks, falls, and arthritis pain. It’s important to combine medical treatment with an improved lifestyle for the best results.
Anti-inflammatory Drugs
There are medications that are designed to reduce inflammation in the body and relieve pain. However, they do carry some side effects – especially if they’re used long-term.
There are non-steroid and steroid classifications of drugs. Steroids are stronger and are used more selectively.
If you’re struggling with osteoporosis, there are medications such as Boniva and Fosamax that are designed to reverse bone loss. These medications tend to have side effects, especially for the digestive system.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Because osteoporosis is associated with hormone changes that lead to bone loss, women who take hormone replacement therapy have a reduced risk of osteoporosis.
For men, osteoporosis might be connected to lower testosterone levels that occur with aging. Testosterone replacement can also assist with reducing problems related to bone loss for men.
Joint Replacement Surgery
In severe cases of arthritis that can’t be reversed through lifestyle or mediations, joint replacement surgery is an option. This removes the deteriorated bone and replaces it with an artificial joint.
Joint replacement surgery is most common for the hips and knees. This surgery does require an extended recovery time but can provide relief from pain and better mobility in your senior years.
Restoring Your Vision
You vision is an area of great concern as you age. Many people experience vision problems related to aging. Some can be reversed naturally while others require medical intervention in order to restore sharp sight.
Eyesight Issues Related to Age
There are several problems that can occur with your eyesight as you get older. Some of these can affect people at any age, but are more common in older people.
Let’s look at the problems and the solutions for the most common eye ailments. Your vision is one of your most important ways of interacting with the world, so it’s important to take care of it.
Presbyopia is the loss of vision for objects up close or very small print. This is often corrected with contact lenses or reading glasses and causes minimal problems.
However, good nutrition can often prevent and even reverse this type of vision problem. We’ll talk more about specific nutrition for the eyes at the end of this chapter.
Cataracts are areas of the eye that become cloudy. They cover part of your lens or, in some cases, all of it. The cataract keeps light from being able to enter the eye properly – causing difficulty seeing.
Cataracts don’t present with pain or other problems. If they become severe, they need to be removed surgically. This is a fairly common procedure that usually results in much better vision.
Glaucoma is a condition in which the eye has too much pressure inside of it. This is often related to circulatory system problems and inflammatory illnesses. Reversing glaucoma often involves treating the underlying cause of it as well as the use of prescription eye drops, medication, and even surgery in some cases.
One of the best ways to reverse this is to catch it early. When you get your yearly vision screening appointment, you’ll be tested for this. You probably are familiar with the machine that blows a small puff of air in the eye. This is the machine that tests for glaucoma.
Retinal Conditions
The retina is the back of the eye that actually takes in the images you see and sends them to the brain. There are several problems related to the retina becoming detached or degenerating.
This is a more serious problem that’s often related to diabetes or aging. There really isn’t a natural way to reverse this problem, but making healthy lifestyle choices can prevent it.
Lifestyle Impacts on Your Vision
There are many lifestyle factors that can lead to problems with vision. Correcting them can often reverse the vision problems you have. And the earlier you adopt a healthy lifestyle, the less likely you are to have age-related vision problems.
One of the most important things you can do to protect your eyesight is to provide your body with good nutrition. Some important nutrients for vision include:
* Dark, leafy greens such as kale and spinach
* Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit
* Oily fish including salmon and tuna
* Protein sources such as eggs, beans, and nuts
Good nutrition can also help you to prevent and reverse diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease that can lead to vision problems. It’s also helpful to maintain a healthy weight.
Stop Smoking
Smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your health overall, including your vision. Smoking increases your risk of developing cataracts and degenerative eye disease.
The good news is that when you stop smoking, you begin to reverse that risk. Smoking is one of the most difficult habits to stop, but it is possible to do it with support and assistance if needed.
Protect Your Eyes
Your eyes are vulnerable to the environment. In particular, the rays of the sun can damage your eyes. It’s a good idea to wear sunglasses as long as they’re rated to filter out UVA and UVB rays.
You should also make sure that you wear protective eyewear when you’re participating in sports, working with chemicals, or using power tools.
Eyestrain also comes from frequent computer use and as well as from other electronic devices. Make sure to give your eyes a break from screen time. If you need prescription lenses, make sure to use them so that you don’t cause more strain.
Regular Exams
It’s also critical that you have regular eye exams. At least once a year you should visit an eye doctor for routine screening. This can help catch and reverse problems in their early stages when it’s easier to do so.
Eye exams will also allow you to get the proper prescription lenses if needed for sharp vision. This allows you to have fewer problems with eyestrain and headache. It also allows you to remain independent longer.
Combating Age Related Heart Disease
The leading cause of death for both men and women is heart disease. Heart disease is incredibly common, but it doesn’t have to be the problem that it is. As you age, your risk of heart disease increases.
However, there’s much you can do to reverse heart disease if you catch it early – and it’s even better if you work to prevent it before it occurs. It’s important to understand how you can protect your heart and reduce your risk of disease.
Factors Leading to Age Related Heart Disease
Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re destined to have heart disease. As you age, though, your risk of heart disease increases. Much of this is because you have underlying conditions that have had years to cause problems in the body.
If you let heart disease risk factors go for a long period of time, they can cause damage that’s irreversible and leads to heart attacks and strokes. But these risk factors can often be reversed if you catch them early, preventing problems.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure greatly increases your risk of heart disease. This is the measure of how much pressure your blood exerts on the walls of your blood vessels as it travels through your body.
There are several things you can do to reduce high blood pressure. One of the most important things you can do is limit your intake of sodium. Sodium causes an increase in blood pressure.
Sodium is found most often in processed foods that contain preservatives. You can avoid a lot of sodium by cooking meals at home from whole foods and looking for low sodium options.
Exercise is also known to reduce high blood pressure. Walking daily can help lower your pressure effectively. But the most important thing to do is to choose an activity you enjoy so that you’ll stick with it.
In some cases medication may be needed to lower blood pressure. Because high blood pressure is so closely associated with heart disease, it’s important to keep track of it and talk with your healthcare provider about your options.
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol is also associated with heart disease. When you have high cholesterol, the molecules will build up on the inside of your blood vessels, causing them to be rough and even causing blockages.
Your arteries will become hardened with what is called plaque. If some of the plaque shears off of your blood vessel walls, it can travel directly the heart or brain causing a major blockage and heart attack or stroke.
If you have high cholesterol, you can reverse it through healthy lifestyle in many cases. This includes eating healthy fats – these actually lower your cholesterol. Some people also choose to take a fish oil supplement to aid in the process.
You also need to eat a diet high in fiber. Fiber actually helps trap the cholesterol before it can make its way into your circulatory system. Whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables are all high in fiber.
A fiber supplement that contains psyllium husk can also be a good addition to your daily routine. These are usually marketed to improve bowel regularity, but also have an effect on lowering cholesterol.
Reducing your intake of saturated fats from red meat and dairy products can also reduce your cholesterol levels. You can also increase good cholesterol through exercise and eating healthy fats.
If diet and exercise haven’t reduced your cholesterol sufficiently, you may be advised to take cholesterol medication to keep it under control. However, most people who make lifestyle changes can control cholesterol levels.
Monitor Blood Sugar
Your blood sugar is very important for your heart health. Diabetes, a disease characterized by high blood sugar, is closely related to heart disease. By keeping your blood sugar under control you can reverse heart disease.
Lifestyle Changes for Better Heart Health
In addition to these specific problems, it’s important to consider living a lifestyle that promotes heart health. Obviously nutrition and exercise are a part of that picture.
But relaxation and rest are also critical. Anything that causes an inflammatory state in the body will affect the heart in a negative way. As we’ve already discussed, stress and lack of sleep can cause inflammation in the body.
You need to get plenty of rest and learn techniques for relaxation that work for you. It’s also a good idea to follow the dietary principles that lead to reduced inflammation in the body.
By protecting your heart, you really protect all of the systems in your body. All of the body’s systems are interconnected with the heart being at the core of them all. When the heart works well, it can deliver oxygen and nutrients that support your overall health.
Saying Goodbye to Diabetes
There are two kinds of diabetes, but only one of them is related to aging and lifestyle. Type 1 diabetes is a condition that’s genetic and is usually diagnosed in young people. With type 1 diabetes, you need to live a healthy lifestyle – but that lifestyle can’t reverse the disease.
Type 2 diabetes is directly related to lifestyle. This is most commonly found in people who are obese, though not always. This type of diabetes is directly related to lifestyle choices, but there is a genetic component.
Being diagnosed with diabetes can be devastating, but this isn’t a death sentence. With lifestyle improvements, you can reduce blood sugar problems and even reverse them.
With type 2 diabetes, your body can’t control blood sugar on its own. That’s because the insulin your body produces doesn’t bind to the glucose in your blood.
But when you make lifestyle changes, you can actually reverse diabetes so that it makes insulin properly and your blood sugar is able to be controlled naturally. Diabetes is the most preventable illness associated with aging.
If you don’t get diabetes under control, it can lead to vision problems, circulatory problems, loss of limbs, and heart disease. This is a chronic illness that is 100% preventable.
Reversing Diabetes Through Lifestyle
There are many factors that lead to the development of diabetes. There are common behaviors you can use to your advantage. It truly is possible to reverse this illness so that you no longer depend on medication to control it.
The most important factor when it comes to diabetes is good nutrition. It’s essential that you reduce or even eliminate processed foods from your diet. Eating whole foods without additives and preservatives will make major changes.
Processed foods contain high levels of refined sugars and grains. These cause the blood sugar to spike. When you eliminate these foods from your diet, you’ll have more control over your blood sugar.
It’s also important to avoid artificial sweeteners. Many products marketed for people with diabetes as “sugar-free” actually contain high levels of artificial sweeteners.
These can actually cause problems with blood sugar and cause you to feel hungrier. Artificial sweeteners are also associated with health problems that make you feel older, such as inflammation in the body, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
It’s best to get your sweetness from natural fruit. Stevia is one sweetener that’s natural and has actually been shown to reduce blood sugar levels. This might be a good option for sweetening beverages.
Eating whole grains will provide you with needed carbohydrates, but these carbohydrates won’t cause a spike in blood sugar. You should also eat a diet with lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables.
Healthy oils also help reduce inflammation and reduce your blood sugar problems related to diabetes.
Exercise is also critical for diabetes. Exercise helps your body regulate blood sugar. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which reduces your risk of diabetes and can help you reverse it.
The thought of exercise may be overwhelming if you’re sedentary. But you can start small and work your way up to longer periods of exercise. Eventually you want to walk at least 30 minutes a day.
But in the early stage, it’s enough to walk five minutes if that’s the best you can do. Making small changes will help you have long-term success.
While lifestyle can reverse diabetes, it’s important to use medication where necessary. If you’re struggling with keeping your blood sugar under control, medication can help you while you’re changing your lifestyle.
As you make better and better lifestyle choices, you’ll decrease your dependence on that medication. But there are some cases where medication may be necessary and it’s a good idea to take advantage of it.
There are several supplements that can help you manage your blood sugar and reverse diabetes. Supplements that include antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, and B-complex can all improve your health and make you feel youthful.
You can also take evening primrose oil as a supplement to treat diabetes. Cinnamon is also a great supplement to add to your diet. You can eat it as a spice with foods, but you can also take it in capsule form with meals to lower your blood sugar.
Drinking green tea can help reduce inflammation in your body and help you to improve your metabolic rate. Fenugreek is another herb that’s been shown to help regulate blood sugar.
Chromium supplements can be used to help your sugar metabolism. This supplement keeps you from experiencing highs and lows with your blood sugar and reduces sugar cravings.
Fish oil is a supplement that is good for many aging health issues. For diabetes, it actually helps your insulin to work properly and reduces inflammation in the body. Biotin is another supplement that can improve the way your insulin functions.
Stress Reduction
Stress wreaks havoc on the body in many ways. In the case of diabetes, chronic stress leads to weight gain in the abdomen because of increased cortisol levels.
This weight gain can actually cause diabetes. Learning to relax and manage stress is critical to reversing diabetes. It’s also important to get plenty of rest and relaxation.
Returning Your Youthful Energy
As you get older, you may experience a reduction of energy. This is usually related to lifestyle issues including exposure to toxins through poor diet and pollution, lack of exercise, and sometimes a lack of fun.
This is one of the greatest complaints about growing older, but it’s one that can be reversed through healthy lifestyle practices.
One of the things that can make the body feel the most sluggish is toxins in the body. Toxins are often found in processed foods and can also come in the form of pesticides and herbicides on produce.
By switching to a diet high in whole foods and going organic with your foods as much as possible, you can reduce your intake of toxins. When you have high levels of toxins in the body, your body works hard to protect you from them.
The liver tries to help them be eliminated during digestion, but in most cases toxins end up reentering the bloodstream. The way the body protects itself from these toxins is to store them in fat cells.
As long as the toxins are in fat cells, they can’t harm the body directly. However, you can gain weight, have more inflammation in the body, and experience overall health problems including sluggishness.
Detoxifying the body is one of the best ways to get rid of this excess fat and to improve your energy levels. This is especially important if you’re suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia.
There are several ways you can go about a detox cleanse that will get you on the right track.
Juice Fast
Many people participate in a juice fast in order to allow the body to flush out toxins. You’ll choose a specific length of time – usually about three days – where you’ll drink only freshly made organic juice and water.
This allows your system to start getting rid of toxins so that they can leave the body.
Detox Supplement Kits
There are also supplement kits that specifically help to detox the body. These are designed to help the liver filter out the things that are trapped in your body and causing problems.
There are many different kinds of detoxification kits. You’ll need to choose the one that works best for you and follow the directions from the manufacturer of the product.
Raw Food Diet
Many people find that the best approach for detoxification is through a raw food diet. You may choose to adopt this lifestyle long-term, but even just trying it for 30 days will help you to detoxify the body and then begin adding other foods.
A raw food diet is plant-based and usually vegan. With this type of diet you won’t eat anything that’s been heated above 104 degrees. The idea here is that you keep the food enzymes intact that help to give your body better nutrition.
You’ll eat only organic foods that contain no toxins and can’t add to your inflammatory condition. This diet works best in the spring and summer when fresh produce is readily available.
Detoxifying Foods
If you’re not ready to go all out and participate in a full-scale detox program, you can add detoxifying foods to your diet to improve your health. Herbs such as parsley and cilantro can be added to your salads, smoothies, and sandwiches to naturally detoxify the body.
You can also add flaxseed and chia seeds to your diet. These are high in fiber, which helps to trap the toxins and eliminate them from the body.
Outdoor Exercise
Another great way to increase your energy is to get outdoor exercise. This is a combination that works to restore your vitality. Exercise is always good for improving your heart health and energy.
But there’s also something to be said for getting fresh air and sunshine. Filling your lungs with fresh air helps you connect to nature and improves your spirituality.
And sunshine, as long as it’s in moderation, will allow your body to naturally produce vitamin D, which is essential for energy and balance. While you can take vitamin D supplements, there’s really no substitute for natural sun.
Energy Boosting Supplements
You can use supplements to increase your energy, but it’s important not to use stimulants that can lead to poor health – such as caffeine and sugar. A better choice is to use supplements that help your body have a better metabolism.
For example, vitamin B complex and Coenzyme Q10 will help your body naturally boost energy levels without causing dependence or jittery feelings. These are also good for your overall heart health.
Avoid products that offer energy through stimulants and focus instead on good nutrition and supplements that support good health.
The Healing Energy of Fun
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” It turns out that this statement is true. Having fun and laughing can help you feel better and have more energy.
You can have fun by enjoying activities such as playing games, going to concerts, and enjoying other forms of entertainment. Having a selection of funny movies or books onhand can help give you a boost when you’re feeling fatigued.
If you have a hobby that you enjoy, spending regular time on that hobby can help you have more energy and enjoy life more. What good is your health if you don’t enjoy the time that you have in your life?
Enjoying an Active Social Life
You may feel drained of energy if you feel socially isolated. Research has shown that participating in social activities improves happiness and energy levels. As you get older, it’s important to keep social connections as much as possible.
When you take time to have fun with friends you’ll feel more energy. Have you ever gotten off the phone with someone you really enjoy and realized you had more energy and were in a better mood?
Spending time with people you enjoy who make you feel good about life can improve your energy levels and help you feel like a kid again. If you’re missing out in the social department, you may have to get out of your comfort zone to improve this area of life.
It may mean showing up alone to a meeting or event and introducing yourself to strangers. But every friend begins as a stranger and before long, you’ll have made some new social connections.
Consider ideas such as volunteering, taking a class to learn a new skill or hobby, getting a new part-time job that allows you to get out of the house, or joining a recreation center with scheduled activities.
These opportunities will naturally lend themselves to meeting new people and becoming more social. You’ll feel less isolated, have more fun, and begin to feel that spark of energy return.
Age Can Be Just a Number
Many people believe that as they get older, they have to accept certain facts about poor health and low energy. But if you choose to live a healthy lifestyle you can enjoy energy and good health throughout your entire life.
Of course you don’t have control over every possible health problem, but a healthy lifestyle will certainly help to reduce your risk of many serious and chronic illnesses.
And living your life to the fullest will allow you to enjoy it, no matter what your chronological age happens to be. Don’t let your age determine what kind of life you’ll have.
Instead, figure out what kind of life you want to live and then make the choices that will allow that to happen in the right way for you. A great deal of how you age has to do with your outlook.
If you’re optimistic about what life has to offer and you take care of your needs, you’ll have better health, more vitality, and be happier. If you’re pessimistic and spend your time talking about why your age is limiting you, you’ll naturally become more limited.
You can truly reverse many of the problems associated with aging and grow younger instead of growing older.