Alleviate Stress

Alleviate Stress

Apps That Help Alleviate Stress Our lives can get really hectic these days. We’re constantly trying to keep up with everything and stay organized, but it’s not easy. Nobody wants

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calm down

Calm Down

Deep Breathing Does More That Just Calm You Down Many people have heard that when you’re stressed out, you just need to take a deep breath. As absurd as it

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Soothng Stressi

Soothing Stress

Body Tension Activities that Soothe Stress at Any Age When you’re under stress, it causes tension in the body, especially in the muscles. What this tension does to your muscles

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Stress Free Aging

Stress Can Make You Feel Nervous and Anxious You can have mood swings that threaten relationships, your job and your personal productivity if you’re under a great deal of stress.

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Stress is Dangerous

Exercise Avoidance Is Common with People Suffering from Stress Stress can cause a complete burnout for everything that would actually make it better. We all know that exercise can help

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Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter Really Is the Best Anti-Aging Medicine Against Stress It’s not uncommon to hear the phrase “laughter is the best medicine.” When it comes to anti-aging and stress, it’s actually

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